Source code of a demo web application to the book. More details to the project on GitHub ...

What is this book about?
PrimeFaces Cookbook Second Edition covers over 100 effective recipes for PrimeFaces 5.x which this leading component suite offers you to boost JSF applications - from AJAX basics, theming, i18n support and input components to advanced usage of datatable, menus, drag-&-drop, charts, client-side validation, dialog framework, exception handling, responsive layout, and more.

Publisher, ISBN-10, ISBN-13
Packt Publishing, 1784393428, 978-1784393427

Mert Çalişkan, Oleg Varaksin

Table of contents
Chapter 1: Getting Started with PrimeFaces

Chapter 2: Theming Concept

Chapter 3: Enhanced Inputs and Selects

Chapter 4: Grouping Content with Panels

Chapter 5: Data Iteration Components

Chapter 6: Endless Menu Variations

Chapter 7: Working with Files, Images, and Multimedia

Chapter 8: Drag Me, Drop Me

Chapter 9: Creating Charts and Maps

Chapter 10: Client-side Validation

Chapter 11: Miscellaneous Advanced Use Cases